- Children’s Sunday School: is held in the Children’s Suite, second floor, at 9 AM each Sunday. Our curriculum is called Dig In, and it’s intended to help give our preschool through sixth-graders a solid foundation in the Christian faith through Bible lessons, activities, crafts and discussion.
- Youth Sunday School: planning is in progress. More information to come.
Adult Sunday School Classes
- Haga-McGraw: class is currently on summer break. We will be back for regular 9 AM Sunday School on Sunday, Aug. 21. We will continue with Adam Hamilton’s study of The Ten Commandments and expect that to continue for at least six to eight weeks. Further plans will be explored in September.
- The Seekers Class: will begin a new study this Sunday: Thinking Like Jesus by Randy Frazer. The book includes a DVD element, and this study will last for eight weeks. They meet at 9 AM Sundays and their classroom is located on the second floor.
- The Coffee Chat Class: meets at 11 AM Sundays on the second floor. Coffee Chat enjoys in-depth Bible studies and explorations of topics in Christian faith.