FUMC Virtual VBS 2021
Register Now for VBS 2021! Please plan to have your children, grandchildren, and neighborhood friends join us for Virtual Vacation Bible School with Farmville UMC this summer! Our dates are July 12-16, and we’ll be exploring Adventure Island together. All hands on...
Holy Week Calendar
- Sunday, March 28: 10 AM FUMC in-person & online Worship; 6 PM Youth - Thursday, April 1: Maundy Thursday- in-person & online Worship 6 PM - Friday, April 2: Good Friday- in-person & online Worship 6 PM - Sunday, April 4: Happy Easter! 6:45, Sunrise...
Return to in-person Worship scheduled…
...for Palm Sunday, March 28th at 10:00 AM. Our Healthy Church Team has approved returning to in-person worship as a result of lower cases of COVID-19 in our area and recent updates to the Virginia Conference TAM guidelines. Masks and social distancing are still in...
March Calendar
- Sunday, March 7: 10 AM - 10 AM FUMC online Worship; 6 PM Confirmation - Wednesday, March 10: 10 AM Coffee with the Pastor by Zoom - Sunday, March 14: Daylight Savings Time begins, 10 AM UMW Sunday - online Worship; 6 PM Youth - Wednesday, March 17: 10 AM Coffee with...
Congregation & Visitors
Due to the high number of Covid-19 cases in our area, the Church is having online-only gatherings for now. The church office is open Monday to Thursday 9-3 for those needing access to the building, please knock. Calling ahead to be sure we are available is also a...
Help Us Help Others!
The United Methodist Women are holding a fundraiser on August 15th from 11 AM-2 PM in the FUMC parking lot. These handmade children's dresses come with a handmade matching/coordinating mask and will be available for a minimum $10.00 donation. All the proceeds will go...