FUMC Recognizes Our 2022 Graduating Students
We recognized six high school and college grads in worship this Sunday and celebrated their achievements with a reception after church. Present for our recognition were: Brenda Goodson, Guy Wall, Andrew Bentley, Rebekah Godfrey, Andrew...
Piedmont Senior Resources at FUMC
Our church was pleased to welcome Piedmont Senior Resources this past Monday. Farmville UMC will host PSR’s “Community Cafe” every Monday from 10 to 2 in our Fellowship Room. People over 60 are invited to join PSR for lunch, games, exercises, and great fellowship -...
This Week at FUMC:
Welcome to our newest member, Judy Amos! Judy directs our handbell choir (and our Chancel Choir performed her choral composition, Search Me, O God, in worship on Sunday!) Judy lives in Farmville at the Woodland, and since joining us as bell director has been...
Graduate Recognition Sunday, May 15th
On Sunday, May 15, our church will recognize our high school and college graduates in worship, and with a reception on the front lawn after church. Do you have a graduate in your family? Please let us know the following: their name, the school from which they’re...
New Hearing Assist Devices Available!
Our church has purchased new Assistive Listening Devices for the hearing-impaired. Ask an usher for help when you come to worship, and they’ll show you how to use the new system.
New Sermon Series for Earth Day
This Sunday, the Sunday closest to Earth Day, we’ll begin a series of six messages and worship services centered on understanding our Biblical call to care of the beautiful Creation that God has given us. How are we related to the natural world? How does our...