A new month has begun, full of busy-ness and possibility, in our lives and in the life of our congregation. What a blessing it is to be a part of the Body of Christ at Farmville United Methodist Church!
We often think of blessings as things we receive. While it is true that God, by grace, freely gives us all that we have, we are not just passive recipients of God’s blessings! Just as God blesses us through people in our lives, so does God promise to bless others through us. When we live from a place of gratitude for God’s gifts and trust in God’s provision, we can be agents of God’s blessing in our world.
Please plan to join us every Sunday, September 4, 11, and 18, as we explore the mutual nature of God’s blessings. We’ll celebrate the blessing that is Farmville UMC when we present our pledges of financial support for 2023, later this month!